Filter Technology SmokeOasis

Tobacco smoke consists of ultra-fine particles, odours and a vast number of harmful toxins, i.e. nicotine, aldehyd, volatile hydrocarbons (TVOC) and carbon monoxide. This “cocktail” of harmful gases and breathable ultra-fine particles are subjected to a multi-stage filtration with the best filter technology available.
We refer to proven and certified filter elements of the world’s biggest manufacturer. The filter tower of the SmokeOasis has a modular structure and designed for 24-hour operation. The filter volume deployed permits high durability and long service intervals. This unique selling feature also ensures that no unpleasant smell is released by the saturated elements into the ambient air. Limit values and test criteria from competent institutions will be certainly met with this design. The objective of this elaborate filtration is to have good quality filtered air as it is required by the UBA interior reference values for hazardous substances which are found in tobacco smoke.
The user-friendly, compact electronic control regulates the energy-saving automatic operation of the fan and processes the signals from the sensors. On request a signal can be sent to the fire brigade control centre. Integrated silencer elements facilitate a low operating condition according to the compliance with the work safety regulations.